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Share your quitting journey


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There are different ways of approaching the subject on a site like this with addiction as the theme. One way is to be specific that this is a Buddhist site, a Catholic site, a Muslim site, an Atheist site, etc... Another way is to say that this site would prefer that you park your "religion" at the front door. Another alternative is to Welcome spirituality in whatever manifestation it might present in your addiction recovery. I always understood that it was this third option that was the norm for this site. If you are Jewish and wish to express your quit in Jewish language I would welcome that self-expression with an open heart and I believe that the majority of us would also. I happen to be Christian. I couldn't express myself atheistically any more than an atheist could express their spirit in my language. But I cannot divorce myself from my soul while maintaining my Integrity. As far as my own quit journey has manifested in me Integrity is a Very Important gift I receive from living Addiction FREE! FREE to be ME without hiding behind a smoke cloud! Now how can I do that while excizing my most truthful being from me and parking it at the front door? I AM a spiritual being and I express that part of me in the only language I know - not because it is in any way superior to your spirit but because it's MY TRUTH! I respect YOUR TRUTH! All I ask is that you respect mine or if you really can't - feel free to skip over my blogs because chances are good I'll say something about my perception of me and my World that will offend you - and that is NOT my purpose! Tolerance is all I ask! Tolerance is what I offer! 

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1