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Share your quitting journey

For the Serial Quitters Out There

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What it is about the commitment to quitting that you're not willing to accept?  Because THAT’s really why you are a serial quitter.  There is something about the journey that you simply are yet unwilling to accept.  MOO (my opinion only).

And if you want your freedom from this addiction, you have to accept ALL that the journey entails.  Sorry.  But true.

Attitude can make a great deal of difference in your perception of the journey, and hence your ability to overcome the various obstacles.  But you have to accept, that in order to move past the discomfort level to the point of no return - putting a cigarette in you mouth, holding a vape to your lips, chewing on a chaw - has to become a non-option, whatever your attitude.

So in-depth self-analysis is necessary.  Again I ask, what is it about the commitment to quit that you are unwilling to accept?  Is it the discomfort?  If so, then understand that the immediate discomfort will lessen as time goes by.  Will it be over entirely?  In my 14 year experience of maintaining a quit - the answer is NO.  You are going to have days along the journey, maybe several in a row, maybe even a whole month where you’re being pestered by your addicted brain.  So what?  If you’ve accepted the journey “So WHAT!” can be your only response IF you want to move past the constant re-plays.  Else then there will always be a "Well, but..." in your thinking and another Day One in your scenario instead of a Day Won!

So in order to succeed at this, you need to  #1) determine what it is about the commitment that you’re unwilling to accept and  #2) discover the key to your acceptance.  Wholehearted, in-your-cells, in-your-bones acceptance.  Unequivocal acceptance.  Not intellectual acceptance.  Emotional acceptance.  When you truly "get it" you'll understand exactly what I mean by that.  

I can speak of this because I’m going through just that kind of a period where I have been wanting a cigarette like crazy. I don’t need (at this stage of my quit), to try to figure out WHY I’m having these cravings.  I just accept them, and understand that it’s simply part of my journey.  And you know what?  It’s not fun.  (Though the good part is, it keeps me very aware of what newbies go through in their early stages.)  I don’t LIKE this gnawing in my gut that reminds me of Day One.  But again I say SO WHAT?!  I’m not about to go to the store and buy a pack of cigarettes. That’s simply not an option in my world any more.  If it is in yours, and you don’t want to be a serial quitter - then you need to figure out how to make smoking a non-option in YOUR world.

I know there is a major head game being played with you serial quitters.  The difference between the successful quitter and the serial quitter is that we don’t allow the head games to impact our commitment to our quit and our maintenance of it.  We may have the same, or similar,  triggered responses, the same gnawing in our guts when cravings arise - we just acknowledge them, accept them as part of the journey and turn our attention in a different direction.

And a VERY GOOD direction to turn one’s attention to when going through a fragile quit time is to get on here and READ and READ and READ.  Because reading reinforces our commitment.  And so does responding on others' blogs/conversations.  Giving support is almost as important to a quit as receiving it.  Those of you who have been here for years understand exactly what I mean by that.

All you serial quitters here know why you need to stop smoking/vaping, know that it’s not good for our bodies, not the wisest choice. Until you accept the commitment - no matter what - you will be on that gerbil wheel all your life.  Condemned by your own lack of commitment, to begin another Day One over and over and over.  Until the time may come when it’s past the point of no return regarding your health options.

Please don’t wait ‘til then. Yes, quitting is hard.  But remaining quit is easier once you get to a certain point.  You simply MUST be willing to hang in until that point occurs.  Getting a diagnosis that limits your living options and quality of life is the least happy scenario.

Please quit.  Please hold onto it.  Please learn that you CAN be free.

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About the Author
Member since MAY 2008. I quit smoking March 1, 2006. I smoked a pack and a half a day for about 35 years. What did it take to get me smoke free? Perseverance, a promise not to smoke, and a willingness to be uncomfortable for as long as it took to get me to where I am today. I am an Ex but I have not forgotten the initial difficult journey of this rite of passage. That's one of the things that's keeping me proudly smoke free. I don't want to ever have another Day 1 again. You too can achieve your goal of being finally free forever. Change your mind, change your habits, alter your focus, release the myths you hold about smoking. And above all - keep your sense of hewmer. DAY WON - NEVER ANOTHER DAY ONE. If you still want one - you're still vulnerable. Protect your quit!