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Elder's List Changes

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I’ve planning on revamping the Elder’s List.  Initially is was to be a list of currently ACTIVE Elders, those with at least a one-year quit who support others here on a regular basis.  But it becomes almost impossible to determine who is “actively supporting” and who is not.  Blogs are obviously one method of ascertaining activity, but supportive comments on others’ blogs as well as comments of support made on members’ pages are too.    And then there are the hidden PM’s that we can’t see.  We’d have to be all over the place on the site on a daily basis to determine “active support.”  In the past Sharon (smorgy) and I have removed those members who didn’t seem to be participating on a regular basis, but it was rather a subjective determination.  What does “regular support” mean?  Is it daily support, monthly, quarterly, weekly?  Is dropping in once a year for a milestone good enough?  Or just coming by and posting on a friend’s page but not necessarily offering support?  
The purpose of the Elder’s List, after all, is to have a house of active Elders where new members can come to obtain links to those quitters who have experience and longevity AND from whom they can obtain active support.
My thinking now is that the list should be a combo of the 6% Club (those with a one-year quit and over), with an asterisk next to the members who remain in active support mode. Achieving that one-year quit deserves acknowledgment.  It’s a rare prize.  And the blogs of those members are important for newbies to read too, even if they are no longer currently participating.  So I’m planning on putting back all those members who have been deleted simply due to lack of on-going support.  
I’d be interesting in hearing Elder’s thoughts on this.  Sharon and I considered having 2 lsts (one for Elder's one for the 6 percenters)  but that just becomes too burdensome and crazymaking.

What are you thoughts?

About the Author
Member since MAY 2008. I quit smoking March 1, 2006. I smoked a pack and a half a day for about 35 years. What did it take to get me smoke free? Perseverance, a promise not to smoke, and a willingness to be uncomfortable for as long as it took to get me to where I am today. I am an Ex but I have not forgotten the initial difficult journey of this rite of passage. That's one of the things that's keeping me proudly smoke free. I don't want to ever have another Day 1 again. You too can achieve your goal of being finally free forever. Change your mind, change your habits, alter your focus, release the myths you hold about smoking. And above all - keep your sense of hewmer. DAY WON - NEVER ANOTHER DAY ONE. If you still want one - you're still vulnerable. Protect your quit!