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Simple Kindness

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~~Any act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to turn a life around.~~  Unknown


Life can move kind of fast and often we get caught up in all we should, could, need, and want to do.  Many times that leads to our lives spinning out of control and we turn to negative habits....smoking, overeating, relieve that stress.


Let me offer an alternative.  It doesn't cost any money, it doesn't take much time, and it is so beneficial to you and others. 

Kindness.  Practice kindness each and every day.  A simple smile.  A brush of the cheek.  A hug.  A warm word.  That's all.

To the cashier who worries about making ends meet.  "You look wonderful today in that color blue."

To the old man who walks your neighborhood each day.  "Would you like a glass of water?"

To your daughter who has a snotty attitude.  "I love you always, no matter what."

To a "serial quitter" here on Ex.  "I will never give up on you."

The examples are endless.  People need kindness these days.  Many are lonely, often overlooked.  Many are depressed.  Some are resigned to never feeling special, never thinking things will get better, never believing that the world can be full of hope and promise.

Any act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to change a life.  Change someone's life today by paying attention and offering kindness.  The life you change may also be your own 🙂

Have a very lovely day, my friends!!
