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Give and get support around quitting


Thanks, Tobacco: You Killed My Mom - Before you take another puff view this ..

this post was inspired by a comment by EX member -Roberta
Want to take another puff, just thinking about quitting ...please view

Daily Pledge - Quit Party Central - Relapse Traps
Game Room Quit Reasons - Thanks and Praise
Tough Luv - Words of Wisdom - Find a Quit Buddy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Reading -
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YOU CAN DO IT ... we can help .....just ask !
5.4 Million die due to smoking related causes every year.
That's 2000 times a 9/11
Still want a puff? Any Comments? Did this help scale 1-10 no---->yes ?
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25 Replies

I needed to watch this sad but true video, that can happen to you when you smoke, I don't want this to happen to me. or anybody else.
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That video was so touching. It brought tears to my eyes. That could have been me. I'm 50. My youngest son was always on me to quit smoking. He says it was because he loves me and didn't want me to die from smoking related diseases that could be prevented. I pledge that I will never pick up another cigarette to smoke again as long as I live. I will fight this fight and I will be victorious. (That's the woman of steel in me)
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Wow Ray! That is the most brutally honest smoking video I have ever seen. I am affirmed completely in my quit.


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You can do it Sandee! Big Hugs!!


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Boy that video brought back memories of watching my father die of Lung cancer in 1996. Somehow I forgot about the gurgling noises, How in the world could I have fogotten something that in your face! The magic of blocking things you don't want to remember I guess. Well now that the memories of my fathers death are so fresh, it just reminds me of what I am in store for with my dear mother. God strike me dead of a heart attack or something quick if I am ever to develope this terrible diease! I can not imagine putting my kids thru what I have had to wittness and clean up after.
Do I still want a puff .....HELL NO and I wish I could convince everyone I know to take the step to becoming an EX. I'd love to push this video down their throat, but as with even my quit, they have to be ready and want to do it, I can't force them just like no one could force me.

Thank you Man of Steele!! This couldn't have come at a better time for me, I have been feeling pretty weak all evening!! Almost 5 full days in, less than 3 hours to go!


God please continue to grant me the strength to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference!

I have been quit for 4 Days, 21 hours, 4 minutes and 10 seconds (4 days). I have saved $34.01 by not smoking 146 cigarettes. I have saved 12 hours and 10 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/19/2008 2:19 AM
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That is it, Ray. That is exactly what I see at work every day and sadly spent so much time telling myself "it won't happen to me." I know now that I'm not so special, that it will hunt me down just like all of the good people before me, and it will win. If I don't keep my quit up. Which I will.
Because it CAN happen to me.

Thank you.
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I dont ever want my children in the future to have to live through that, I thank you for the video and I am glad to say that even more than I did 10 minutes ago, I want to quit, I need to quit and i WILL succeed this time.

Thank you.
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I watched most of these. The one titled "Tar Extracted from 400 Cigarettes" answered I question for me. I have been wondering about the amount of tar I haven't smoked these last 18 days. As of right now, in 18 days, would have smoked just short of 1,100 cigarettes. 1,094 to be exact. I would have smoked 2.5 times the amount of tar shown in this video.

I don't know what to say. I hope my lungs can heal.
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That is what is soooooooooo great....

The body starts healing itself as soon as the poison stops entering the body.

I some more scientific notes about "what happens" in the Words of Wisdom group.

Congratulations on your smoke free...dom journey. 1094 cigarettes unsmoked because you made a SUPER decision to be smoke free ! I hope you threw those cigarettes into the Friday bonfire that we extended all memorial weekend at the Quit Party Central Group.

Have I told you lately that you are a R.A.W.C.K. ?

really awesome wonderful cancer kicker !
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