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Give and get support around quitting


7 days till quit time

Good morning! Hope everyone is having a good day. I just wanted to reach out and get some support. I have 7 days till my quit date and I’m feeling a lot of mixed emotions about it. I KNOW I should quit. I just don’t feel like I will be able too or want to. I’ve tried NRTs and I’ve researched a lot of tips. I just feel like I’m going to miss it. Am I actually missing it or just addicted? Im not sure. I really just need a clear head going into it. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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6 Respuestas

@Kailuapeach Good afternoon.  I saw you post this morning, but had to go out.  I didn't forget about you. What you feeling right now is normal. 

Many quitters describe quitting as losing  their best friend.  After all we've smoked our way through every emotion and activity.   Yes, you're addicted--we're all addicted, but that doesn't mean that you can't do. 

Contemplating your quit doesn't mean you don't want to quit. It means you  don't believe it's possible. But it is.  It's easy to push it to the back of our minds.  We know we should quit, but think we don't really want to.  That's the addiction talking.  Learning that it is addiction and not a habit has been eye opening to many of us.  When you understand the addiction you have power over it.   Have you been reading the material suggested?.  Knowledge and preparation has been the key to success for many of us.  It took me 50 years to finally get it. What I learned here and the support I received on the Ex made the difference. It's about changing your mindset and having some "hands-on" tools to be successful.

We're here to support you  so reach out anytime you need help or have aquestion.  Believe in yourself.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 24th.  



@Barbscloud I have been reading up on the website. I’m trying to do everything I can to prepare. I bought carrots, apples and sugarless gum. Im trying to sell my vape. Im just panicky because I will usually go 15-25 days solid and then fall back off the horse. I have done this several times.


@Kailuapeach Hi, welcome to Ex. Being nervous about your quit is normal. It's great that you are reading a lot in preparation of your quit, that will give you a lot of tools to use while you are quitting.

We are all addicted to nicotine. Period. That's the thing we have in common. That's where the struggle comes in. I learned I was addicted after I came here and read Alan Carr's book, The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It opened my eyes. It is one of the suggested readings here and you can find it on the net.

One thing here is that if you journal/blog you will receive a lot of support. Also the support you give to others helps your own quit. I was able to quit 5 months ago after coming here. I tried 2 times before on NRT by myself but lost my quits after a few months. The support and education here has made a difference for me this time. Just give it a try. You can do it, too.

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@Snowdoggie @Thanks for the support. I’m hoping this time is different too. I’m going to try and get that reading online the easy way to quit smoking. 

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@Kailuapeach Get your plan in place and stay close. You can do it.


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@Kailuapeach @ Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. It's the best gift you can ever give yourself. I find that if I think too hard about it. I tend to think myself out of trying. Addiction is funny that way. I quit a week ago. I used the patch and gum in the beginning, I've since given up the patch and just use the gum. I post here on EX. This group of quitters are awesome, the support here is excellent and I am so grateful to be a part of. We are glad that you are here please, please stay connected with us so we can help you get through and over the humps and bumps.

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