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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Which NRT supplement worked best for you and why?

I’m new here and looking for opinions on which one may work best to suite my needs. Thanks

6 Replies

If you are going to use an NRT, I recommend those that don't let the addict be in control of the dosage such as Rx drugs and the patch.  Definitely NOT a vape!  If you use lozenges or gum, be sure you don't use  them before trying to delay and distract.  You won't wean down off nicotine if you don't.

Although I saw your post, I fear most in the community may not.  To remedy that, I recommend you write a blog to introduce yourself to the community (Ex Community-top left; then center blue box-"Post a Journal/Blog").  You might include the product you want to quit, your nicotine use history, why you want to quit, your quit date if you have set one, and anything else about yourself you care to share.  You will reach a wider audience this way.

I look forward to seeing you there!



@RoLLiN300c Welcome to the Ex.  I just sent this to someone else today.  I hope it help:

 There quitters here that have use everything to quit or nothing at all. Is there something specific you want to know?

I've tried it all-gum, lozenges, patches, Chantix, acupuncture, hypnotism, etc.  For this quit I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers. What I finally learned is that aids can truly help with my quit,  but I still had to do the work.

 It finally took me 50 years to get it right.  What was different this time?  I had a quit date, an aid, a class and cut down for a week. Sounds like a road to success.  I was fortunate to find the Ex a week prior to my quit.  I learned about nicotine addiction and that I needed a plan that would prepare for what I was going to encounter on my journey.  And for the first time, I had the support of fellow quitters.

Take the time to learn how to do this.  Part of it is mindset and part of it is hands on work identifying triggers, what tools you'll use, what associations you'll create instead of smoking, etc.   Spend time on the site, getting a well as giving support.  The early days take commitment so why not have other quitters to help you deal with the up and downs of this journey.

This link is a great place to start

We're here for you so reach out anytime we can help.    Going for walk is a great way to refocus your thinking and get an added boost of dopamine.   Spend time on the site when you need it the most 

Consider taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track one day at a time.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 6th and your many milestones to come.

Stay busy and stay close.



@RoLLiN300c Chantix / lozenge combo for that 1st week was clutch.  Kept the cravings bearable and allowed my body to adjust to the change.  I'm a dipper, so the oral part of the lozenges was really what helped me.  Also, when you get a craving / nic-fit coming on, change what you are doing right away for 10 mins.  For example, if you are sitting down, stand up and walk around, if you are standing and walking around, sit down and read a book / newspaper / the ingredients on a can of Mountain Dew, it doesn't matter just do something different.  I wish you luck, be strong and stay strong.

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@mbriggs That's two weeks for you?   Congrats, that's fabulous.


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,  I prefer to use nicatrol it is a prescription though.  I did endless meeting with the free patches and nothing helped me.  Also I had been smoking 35 yrs at that time.  The person in charge of the group and never smoked,  The  Med cos I belive is $112.00 with out insurance.  I know I am Extremely fourtunate with my insurrance.  Simply google it what products are out there and look side effects ets.  Hope this helps.  Some Dr.s prescrime Chantix and welbutin they help with the depression and the emtional rollar coaster just food for thought




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“ Which NRT supplement worked best for you and why?” 

I made a few attempts to quit. First I used the patch . It took the edge off . I chose to smoke and quit my quit . 
I tried gum .Personally I didn’t feel much relief of physical symptoms but perhaps the psychological part of cravings it helped by means of a distraction .  I think it had some benefits but I chose to smoke and quit my quit .I tried an inhaler thing . No idea if it was helpful , I chose to smoke and quit before I gave it a fair chance . 
I listened to a quit smoking cd . It was somewhat interesting and helpful  but again for the umpteenth time I chose to smoke and quit my quit . I read Alan Carrs book and it totally made me want to smoke more because I wanted to smoke more than quit at the time .  I put the book down and got myself up to a pack and a half that year . I smoked more , and gave up on quitting until this my final quit .,  I think however fair to say giving him credit that if I were to read Alan Carrs book now I could resonate with much he said .  
You asked about my quit in your question , and that’s all I’m sharing with you is what my journey was like and why I chose what I did . Others journeys will completely different than mine as yours will also be . No right or wrong way better or wrong to quit than the way each of us chose for ourselves .
We are all different and what worked for me may not work for you and vice versa . You know you best . My suggestion would be to read up on all the NRTs available to make a good informed decision on each of them for yourself then according to who are you can make the best decision for you should you chose an NRT . Nothing wrong with that if you do .  I chose cold turkey because I was honestly tired of spending any more money and never following through . I wanted it this time .  I chose cold turkey because in past I always found a way out of my quit and smoked . I wanted it this time .I chose cold turkey because I was done playing with fire . I wanted life this time .  I chose quitting cold turkey because I was angry at my addiction and myself . I chose smoking , I could choose to quit .  I wanted it this time .
I think I could have chosen the patch or any of the other method or NRTs and done it this time because I wanted it this time . When it’s a matter of life and death , choosing life is a pretty good tool to quit . Also distraction , delaying and journaling worked well for me . I had a previous eight year quit I attained by cold turkey .. ( no journaling ) so I knew I could do it .  I just knew what was best for me because I knew me best .  I made up my mind that no matter what smoking wouldn’t be an option and I’d do something different , not smoke . You can do the same on an NRT or not . To be quit we’ve had to all choose not to smoke no matter what . Whatever you choose we are here to encourage and support you . This is your quit . Hope you let us know how you are doing and how your quit is going . Quitting is the best thing I’ve ever done . I got my life back . 

11 and a half years quit .Smoked 28 years .