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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Having touble with smoking at night

I don't smoke to .Uch during the day but at night I smoke alot and get up several times a night and smoke cause I really crave them and I had almost quit till I lost my job and can't afford to get the nicotine gum anymore. How do I get help with the gum cause I really want to quit I'm 9nly one in my household smoked an would like to quit for my wife and kids

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6 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Palletjack944 Sorry to hear about your job.  You can contact 800-QUIT-NOW which is your state's quit line to see what they can offer you.

EX Community Admin Team

@Palletjack944 Welcome to the Ex.  While you're waiting for the gum, start working on your quit.  Educating yourself about nicotine addiction and creating a quit plan will help you to be successful.

The gum can be a great aid, but you still have to do the work.  Knowledge and preparation are key.

This link is a great place to start .

Pick a quit date, finalize your quit plan and join us on your journey.

We're here for you.


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@Palletjack944 Hi, welcome to Ex. Sorry to hear about your job. Two of our elders (those quit more than one year) have given you good advice above.

You can start tracking and cutting down on your smokes and do the reading while you are waiting for your gum. Did you get to call for the gum today?

I quit by using the NRT gum. I used it for the 1st couple or three weeks while I was reading Allen Carr's book, The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. The book convinced me that I could quit cold turkey, so I stopped the gum. I'm on 110 Days quit. You can do it too!!🐕😃


Welcome to the EX community and congratulations on the decision to quit smoking. .  We are here to support you.  Quitting requires a commitment not to take one puff no matter what is happening in your life.  It takes a lot of work and determination.  With a new mindset it is doable. . Education is the key to a successful quit.   As addicts we rationalize reasons to delay our quit. I did not use the gum.  Does the gum cost more than the cost cigarettes? Foundation For A Successful Quit 


You can use regular mint gum in place of the the NRT  park the gum in your mouth as if you are using the nicotine gum this worked for me when I was on a NRT gum.  I hope this helps you 


@Palletjack944 Hi, checking in on you. Did you call the 800-QUIT-NOW number to see about gum? What did they say?

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